November 03, 2009

Thought Twister

Let me first design the blog, I thought, then I'll write the content. Yes, said she "but never judge a book by its cover". Never!

They say start from the beginning, but where does one begin? You would say begin at the start. So what I guess from this is that the starting point of everything is the beginning. So here let us begin... begin the blog, the write-up, the story, the truth or the false. False 'coz every side has two coins (or is it the other way round), one which is right, the other which is left.
As Cyrus H. Merchant once said, "First go straight, then turn right & then always go right!

So right you go, and I go left.
And when you decide to come back (I know you'll), we'll begin where we left! Right?

1 comment:

Daniel D'Mello said...

Begin with what moves you, motivates you to write, let that be your start, everything else will fall into place, including design, which can be structured around content.